1 Glass Jar or Vase (size is not important)
6 Pack of Assorted Colored Sand
1 Scoop Utensil ( spoons work also)
Have you ever had an emotion you didn’t want to or didn’t know how to share? Art is a great way to release emotion and see the results, immediately. Colors can be helpful when it comes to identifying each of those emotions.
For the next thirty days, I invite you to take a few moments each day to identify how you felt that day. Assign a different color sand to each emotion and add one scoop of sand at the end of each day into a clear container (I find that glass jars and vases work best). Over the course of the month, you will begin to notice the different formations and color groups you have created by expressing your emotions. This a physical action that you can see and feel. The reflective intention is to gain perspective on which emotions you feel most often. You may notice that over the course of a few weeks, your colors may have changed drastically. You may see a pattern to the times you felt joy or pain and learn to identify those emotions and work through them. You can use these colors as a guideline:
Excited - Yellow
Sad - Blue
Angry - Red
Sick - Green
Happy - Orange
Unhappy - Purple
Afraid - Pink
Everyone will have their own unique take away from this art project. It is very calming, aesthetically pleasing, and a cool way to see your emotions in full color. Have fun and enjoy this Sandy Moods Art Therapy Project.
Click here for the download to the instructions and colors
Please feel free to share your beautiful creations with us on Instagram @PeaceofMindHealing
but you don't have to go through it alone.